Happiness through the Holidays
For many individuals, the holidays can be a lonely time and a reminder of those that are not here. As we embrace the holiday season ahead, remind yourself to hold onto compassion. Compassion for others that may be struggling this time of year and compassion for oneself. This is the root of where it starts, oneself. Christmas sparks magic in children, and it is important to keep this youthful spirit for our youth. Our inner child is also sparked as it can bring joy into our hearts through smells, colors, memorable feelings, and excitement. When thinking about Christmas and what it means to you, look at the real meaning this time of year. Where can you give up one’s very self to think only of others and bring happiness to others? How can you redefine the true meaning of Christmas, which is the bigger picture of why we are here? As we age and get older, the need for gifts and presents loses its value. We start to redefine what values are essential to each and every one of us. Christmas is more than presents under the tree. It is about our unique presence, what we give to the world, ourselves, and each other.
This season can bring on stress the U.S. tradition has enforced throughout the years. We have turned Christmas into consumerism, to please through gifts, and decorate the house with lights while putting on the best parties. When these external acts can bring short-term joy, over time, it fades, and we lose sight of the meaning. Our focus is lost through the hustle and bustle, and priorities can be shifted. Many countries spend time with family over home-cooked meals with laughter and love without the forced consumerism the U.S. focuses on that can define “happiness.”
Giving needs to be redefined within all of us. When we redefine it by cherishing ourselves and each other, listening more and spending time giving to what truly matters. We then provide more compassion to ourselves and those we love, and our hearts open even more. The gift that spreads is a smile you give to a stranger or lend a hand to someone in need. Many individuals I have met are alone and express they feel the happiest when they can embrace the simple pleasures and small gestures to other living things. It is a reminder to spread love. “All joy in this world comes from wanting others to be happy, and all the suffering in the world comes from wanting oneself to be happy.” During this time, remember to celebrate your spirit within, the greater gift from above, and be grateful that just being here makes the world a better place.